☀️ Summer at the Wise Woman Center! ☀️
June 8-9: Work-exchange Weekend
June 14: Moonlodge
June 15: Magical Plants Hands-on: Visionary herbs, dream pillows, flying oils, love potions
June 16: The Great Remedies Hands-on: Identify, harvest, prepare and use the herbal remedies that top my list
June 25: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Summer Group begins
June 29-30: Work-exchange Weekend
July 11-14: Green Witch Holiday
July 12: Moonlodge
July 27-28: Work-exchange Weekend
August 3-4: Work-exchange Weekend
August 5-11: Green Goddess Apprentice Week
August 9: Moonlodge
August 13: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Late Summer Group begins
August 17-18: Work-exchange Weekend
August 23: Moonlodge
August 24: Herbal First Aid Hands-on: Stings, tick bites, cuts and scrapes, aches and pains, even allergies, are easily and effectively remedied with the aid of plantain, yarrow, calendula, Hypericum, and other green allies
August 25: Adaptogens Hands-on: Think better, live longer, feel great, adopt adaptogens
See Full schedule and get registered now:
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