Spiritual Storyteller Vera de Chalambert
Susun interviews Vera de Chalambert.
Vera is a spiritual storyteller and Harvard-educated scholar of comparative religion. She speaks and writes about spiritual culture, mindfulness and the emergence of feminine wisdom in our times. Her work explores the meeting place of theology, spirituality and social change and is informed by inter-spiritual insights from the world's great wisdom traditions. Vera works with clients all over the world and offers coaching, mentorship and spiritual direction. She has been invited to speak internationally at colleges and conferences such as SAND Science and Nonduality Conference in the US and Europe, Sister Giant in Washington DC and the Dawn of Interspirituality Conference in Costa Rica. Vera holds a Master's degree from Harvard Divinity School.
this episode Q&A includes:
• glamour is shapeshifting...
• why is it important to use fresh skullcap when making tincture?
• herbs for the face- olive oil, honey, calendula, violets, pumpkin...
• high priestess- dianic wicca, one who has been initiated as a witch will be of service to others..
• lady Iona- goddess of the fae..
• rash on the back of hand...
• motherwort causes capillaries to grow around the heart and the uterus..