Can Foods Prevent Cancer?
Excerpt from Susun Weed's book
Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way
Absolutely, without a doubt, eating certain foods can prevent breast cancer. Analysis of 156 studies linking diet and cancer found extraordinarily consistent evidence that some foods actively protect cells from undergoing cancerous changes, especially breast, cervical, ovarian, and prostate cells. While these foods don't guarantee freedom from cancer, they are vital elements of an anti-cancer lifestyle.
The United States National Research Council states that 35-70 percent of all U.S. cancer deaths are related to diet and that 60 percent of the cancer incidence in women is related to diet. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans contain phytochemicals that are active against cancer initiation in many direct and indirect ways. They neutralize carcinogenic compounds. They capture and neutralize free radicals. They protect DNA from environmental damage. They prevent the activation of oncogenes. They nourish anti-cancer enzymes in the digestive tract and strengthen the immune system cells which search out and eliminate cancer cells.
If cancer has already begun to grow, phytochemicals can disrupt the processes necessary for the growth and spread of the tumor. They block metastasis by checking the growth of blood vessels to the tumor. Some foods can even reverse damage to the DNA and turn oncogenes off.
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