Recorded live 2/17/15
Join Susun every Tuesday night 7:30-9:30 pm EST.
Call in with your questions (646) 929-2463 or email ahead of time to [email protected] .
Susun answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with EagleSong Evans Gardener.
this episode Q&A includes:
• sciatica pain relief- St. Joans Wort..
• insomnia..
• suffering? what's wrong with you, why have you chosen suffering?
• anxiety- stop telling yourself these stories..
• hormones are not continually pumped into the body but are more like a sound wave..
lingering dry cough- sage tea with honey..
• you are not everybody- why are you trying to make yourself everybody- you are a unique human being..
• former smoker- mullein infusion and pranayama..
• nothing wrong with gluten- if you quit eating wheat you need to replace it with other grains..
• cysts in breasts- chickweed tincture made from fresh herb..
• and much more.
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