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Lucille Helgeson

I premix my spices and keep them in a sealed jar.
Mix: 1 lb. Organic Turmeric Powder, 12 tsp.ground cloves, 16 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon, 8 1/2 tsp. ground ginger and 100 pinches of black pepper. Once I get this mixed up like I said above I put in a twist cover jar and put it in a cool dark place.
When I am ready to make my golden milk: I use 2 cups of Almond Milk, 2 level Tablespoons of the Mix above and bring it to a boil watching it very closely so it doesn't boil over once it is boiling let it cook about 2 minutes. In two separate cups I put 1/2 tsp of Udo's oil, 1 tsp Agave or honey and sprinkle a little nutmeg in. Then after the milk is cooked I use a strainer to stain the milk into the cups and your ready for a nice evening drink. The nutmeg will make you sleepy. (straining it keeps the drinking from being gritty, some people like that but I don't)

Hahn Jackson

i avoid black pepper bcs it has been said that it causes ulcers. so was thinking a red pepper powder?

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