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Cynthia H

Two years ago I was working as an advocate/case manager with adults with disabilities. I arrived at the Vocational Rehabilitation office for an appointment with a client and staff mentioned that my client hadn't been making sense while talking.
I had just read about the signs of stroke several days before (wonderful synchronicity) and quickly gave her a few tests. Based on the results, I was able to convince them to provide us emergency transportation to the hospital.
I had also happened to bring her entire file (which was not typical) - complete with medical history - with me that day and was able to provide it to the doctors.
She did recover from the majority of her symptoms and was released from the hospital after a 5 day stay. I still feel blessed that I was in the right place at the right time, armed with all the right information!

Virginia Adi

This is important advice. There is one erroneous statement however. A stroke that is caused by a clot may in fact be resolved in 3 hours with TPA and other agents. A hemorrhagic stroke cannot be resolved in this way. There is no way to tell unless immediate CT is done. There are now designated stroke triage centers in many places. Symptoms should not be ignored. Virginia Adi, R.N., Herbalist.

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