Author Maureen Smith
Susun interviews Maureen Smith.
Maureen Theresa Smith is a writer, activist, and mom with a background in healing arts. She defines her life work as integrating spirituality into everyday practices and rituals that are inspirational and fun, in order to support girls and teens in becoming whole, strong women. Her company, Indigo Blooms offers personal coaching, support circles, workshops and products to empower girls and those that care for them by enhancing intuition, awareness, and inner-authority with beauty, joy and a fierce commitment to self-love and compassion for all. Maureen offers visionary coaching and to girls and women in times of transition and facilitates Indigo Circles for tween and teen girls. She authored First Moon, Celebration and Support for a Girls' Growing Up Journey, New World Library, Spring 2005 and recently, Your Moontime Magic, A Girls Guide to Getting Your Period and Loving Your Body, New World Library, 2020.
Q & A topics in this episode include:
menopausal fatigue
gallbladder pain
Chinese herbal preparations
facial skin complexion
100 proof vodka for tintcuring
cyst in the breast area
caller follow-up: improved blood pressure with yarrow and garlic