Author Pat Alva-Kraker
Susun interviews Pat Alva-Kraker.
After a 35-year career in the IT industry, Pat Alva-Kraker was faced with a series of challenges that altered her professional life forever. She was let-go from a major technology company, her husband of 22 years suddenly passed-away, their shared business had to close its doors and Pat is now a breast cancer thriver. At this juncture, Pat stepped onto her own journey to elation. Along the way she realized she can inspire other women to own their feminine power and create a successful business and lifestyle. Pat Alva-Kraker is the author of the #1 Best-seller “Katherine’s Quest: One Woman’s Journey to Elation.” Today, Pat Alva Kraker, travels the country and the world, Live and Virtually, assisting women business owners and entrepreneurs alike to overcome any obstacles, stay heart-centered, scale their business with ease and grace, and affirming their right to financial freedom while creating a life they love.
For more info, you can visit her website at
Q & A topics in this episoide include:
weeds as medicine and nourishment
caller followup: how anger manifests in the body
COVID19 vaccination reactions/non-reactions
pros & cons of vaccines
exposing mushrooms to sunlight to initiate vitamin D production
washing fruits & vegetables
water purity
heartburn relief
increasing circulation
alcohol used for making tinctures
healing the relationship with darkness