Max Dashu, author of Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion
Susun interviews Max Dashu.
Max Dashu is a land-walker and history sibyl who uses images to teach women's global history and heritages. Her legendary slideshows bring to light women of power who have been hidden from view, from ancient icons to female leaders, culture-makers, rebels, and medicine women. In 1970 Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives to research women in the global cultural record. From her collection of over 30,000 images, Dashu has created and presented hundreds of slideshows to all kinds of audiences, including at conferences in Italy, Switzerland, Britain, Australia, Germany, Mexico, Bulgaria, Guatemala, and the US. She also teaches via webcasts, online courses, audio podcasts, and via daily Suppressed Histories posts on Facebook.
Max is the author of Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, the first volume to be published from her sourcebook Secret History of the Witches. Max has produced two dvds: Woman Shaman: the Ancients (2013) and Women's Power in Global Perspective (2008). Her most recent publication is the Deasophy Coloring Book.
Q & A topics in this episode include:
post-menopausal bleeding
serenity medicine
eye treatments
vaginal dryness and odor
echinacea powder
St. John's Wort tincture
harvesting Japanese knotweed
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