Winter Remedies
Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:30-3:30 pm
Elkins Park, PA
Ready for Winter?
Want to keep you & your family Well all Winter?
Concerned about using chemicals & drugs?
Come to this hands-on workshop where you will learn the
difference between a hot cold, a cold cold, the flu & the natural
& herbal remedies you can use to prevent & treat colds & flu
this winter season.
You will make your own medicine to take home to use for you
& your family (retail value $90). And the knowledge is yours
forever, so you can always replenish your supply of herbal
Come and see for yourself how simple herbal medicine really is,
how well it works, and how inexpensive it is.
The workshop is $25 and there is a $15 materials fee. Class size
limited to 10 people.
Register now! [email protected]
* The information in this class is intended for general education
purposes only & should not be relied upon as a substitute for
professional and/or medical advice.
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