Part of your growth as human beings is the recognition of the truth of ‘All is not what it seems’. Being able to understand and accept this universal truth starts to create an expansion of consciousness.
There are many such truths to be found in your journey of development. Another one is the truth which states ‘As above so below’.
So many of you have limited your belief structures and thus your understanding of reality, by only being able to see the reality of your own lives. Your reality is in actuality much vaster than that.
Just as you are beings of energy with energy systems and chakras, so your solar system is a conscious being too with earth as the heart chakra of this body. The other planets in your solar system are the other chakras.
Just as earth is the heart chakra of your solar system, so in turn your solar system is the heart chakra of your galaxy. Your galaxy is part of the consciousness that is your universe. Each of these beings of which I speak are billions of years old but all, like you and planet earth are in a constant state of change and growth.
Each of these beings which are vast compared to you, all have corrupted energy systems and corrupted energies which affect both the larger and smaller realities.
The restorative work of Unfolding Enlightenment began with all the entities which inhabit earth- humanoid energies, animals, birds, nature and earth herself. This has been the model to enable the other planets in the solar system who have been drained of energy and denuded of life-force, to begin to be restored once more.
In this way the conscious entity which is your solar system can also be restored over time to her former vibrancy of being-ness. Looking at the larger picture then the consciousness that is your galaxy and then the consciousness that is your universe can also be gradually restored.
There are many galaxies and many universes [we call them multi-verses]. You can see from what we are saying that the healing and restoration which has begun on earth is being spread and will continue to be spread over time, which will be in your future.
Love and blessings to you all,
From Doria- a Spirit of the Universe
[I wish this channelling to be made public and for it to be part of the channelling from Michael. We have agreed that I will explain this part.]
The evolvement of the spirit of the planets involves a different hierarchy. Pure thought creates the planet and that becomes the embodiment of the thought in physical form. The thought is the spirit of the planet.
When the planet evolves it becomes a star being in the form of a star- rather like your etheric body. Beyond that it re-becomes the energies you see as clouds or bands of coloured energy like your photon belt. This is also an evolvement of the soul of the planet.
These energies then re-group as a consciousness to create something else which you cannot see with human eyes. It all nevertheless still exists, but not within your timeframe. At this point energy, matter and time become entwined into something of which you have no understanding as yet.
I will come and tell you more another time.
Doria, Spirit of the Universe