It was ever thus that those not of the light sought to obscure the light through lies and falsifications to obscure the path and cause confusion. Sadly it is still happening. We of the light are maligned and smeared with darkness in an effort to prevent the spreading of light and a rise in frequency for the human race.
It is all a juxtaposition- it has happened so many times before, but to realise the juxtaposition is to dissolve it and move into a different time frame where our light can shine.
Those wishing to obscure us and our truth have chosen to equate our reality and being with the darkness of racial hatred, particularly in the USA. What better way to create disharmony, disbelief and malcontent then to imply we are of the darkness.
We of the White Brotherhood have existed for millions of years as guardians and guides of planet earth and humanity. Our guardianship involves the spiritual growth and development of mankind. This is for the highest good of all concerned regardless of race, creed or gender.
We are not a sect, but rather highly spiritually evolved beings who have incarnated at crucial times during your history to help humanity along the path at difficult and key moments in history.
One such incarnation was Jeshua Ben Joseph who came at a time of great darkness to spread the light and spiritual truths. There have been many other incarnations of his energy including Sanander and St. Germain. There have been others of his ilk throughout history.
Some of us have chosen to incarnate here again at this time to help humanity move to the light. These people are all members of the Family of White Light and are the present day incarnations of those long ago who accompanied and worked with Jeshua ben Joseph.
The second coming of this energy at a significant time in man’s evolution has long been planned for and awaited. We applaud those of you who have chosen to do this work at this time and we support you through the difficulties you face in making the truth known and spreading the light against many seen and unseen obstacles.
We urge you to link with others around the world who are also knowingly or unknowingly of The family of White Light and of The White Brotherhood. As you link with them the light will circle round the world and create a rise in frequency and enable spiritual growth and development.
We are with you and are proud of what you are achieving. The majority of what you do is unseen, unsung and without monetary gain, but you knew and accepted this when you took up the gauntlet and agreed to do the work.
I love this message! It is so true!
Posted by: Meg Turner | April 17, 2012 at 11:45 AM