The Hows on Flower Essences for Anxiety Disorder
Flower essence therapy is a simple but very interesting way of managing contrasting emotions, stress, and anxiety. It is often mistaken for aroma therapy; however, it is more in lined with homeopathic remedies. Given its simple process, it is quite hard to believe that it has the capacity to transmute the negative into the positive, especially in people with anxiety disorder. But it is known to effectively work in restoring equilibrium and balance.
In Europe, it is widely believed among alternative medicine specialists that flower essences can redirect unfocused energy. It helps stabilize the flow of energy, making it effective in alleviating emotional confusion, stress and frustration. Although some doubt its ability to provide any significant healing because the preparation of the essence is too diluted compared with its counterparts, most people who tried it have definitely attested to its cleansing and calming ability.
Trying out this therapy can be interestingly easy. Here, we will walk you through a simple and comprehensive way of preparing homemade flower essences. You can readily use them whenever anxiety seeps in.
How to Prepare
You would need a clear glass bowl, bottles that have approximately 30 ml of volume, a funnel, a strainer (preferably the coffee filter that is unbleached), brandy, spring water and droppers.
The first step is to prepare the flowers to be used. Now, this is important as it is the heart of the process. It is in the picking of the flowers that the energy cycle starts. It is most preferable that you pick flowers that represent vitality and energy. The perfect season would be spring, just as the flowers are blooming. Early morning would be the best time to start picking your flowers. Morning dew keeps the energy. When the sun is all out, flowers tend to dissipate under the heat.
Have you heard that talking soothingly to a plant can diminish stress for both of you? Well, that actually works. It is advised that before you pick the flower, you must soothe it and ask for permission. Some would use a pendulum if possible, but your intuition can tell you that the flower would want to be picked. In that way, the intent of healing can potentiate. As you breathe slowly, you get to achieve relaxation even prior to the intake of the essence.
While picking the flowers, it is best to use cotton gloves or directly drop them in the clear glass bowl filled with spring water. You need to cover the surface of the water with whole flowers. After the flower picking, the next crucial step in the energy cycle is to put them under direct sunlight for three hours. Make sure that nothing is going to shadow the bowl. After three hours, the flower essence is produced. Remove the flowers from the essence. Fill half of each bottle with brandy. You can also use vodka or 151 rum. Filter the essence into the bottles. This is what we now call the Mother Essence. Close the bottle and label it with the flower used. Store and keep these bottles in cool, clean dark places and away from any electro-magnetic device.
How to Use
There are a lot of ways that the Mother Essence can be used. To begin with, drop two to seven drops of Mother Essence into a solution composed of equal parts of water and glycerine or vinegar. Put them in stock bottles. Use the essence by adding a few drops to your drinking water. You can also add some drops to water in a spray bottle and spray on to your hair. Putting four drops under the tongue also works.
Remember that the principle of this whole flower essence therapy is that the more diluted the solution is, the more power it can give off. The more you use it, the more energy you can get.
Now that you know how to make your very own flower essence, you do not have to look for them in stores. You can start redirecting your negativity using essences you prepared personally. The experience in making them would definitely add to the stress-reducing procedure. You even get to be one with nature.
Note that this particular anxiety treatment works on a vibration level. It is unlike biochemical treatments. It takes a varied amount of time. It can be more or less before effects are noticeable. But as soon as you start, the transformation would be like a ripple effect. It would start minutely and eventually result in a shift to positivity. You would then see subtle changes in eating, sleeping, moods and thinking. A sense of calmness would finally be an everyday thing. A good night’s sleep would be something to look forward to.
Ryan Rivera used to struggle with anxiety. He took control of the situation and won the battle. He now talks about his journey and shares tips and techniques on how to survive anxiety and panic attack at