All weight bearing exercise causes my feet to ache terribly afterwards. Not right away. A few hours or the next morning. Both feet equally.
I am blaming it on a long standing issue with loose joints. My awareness of this began when my hands would ache while doing massage work and when my ankles would feel like they are coming apart the minute I began to jog. This started many years ago.
Any body have a similar experience or possible suggestions.
Thank you.
Annette Ewer
I have not had same issues, but I have had aches from light exercise every morning. I noticed with a diet change and some light foot exercises this helped eliminate my aches and stiffness.
Posted by: fran | September 21, 2011 at 11:38 AM
Simply using herbal powders in the shoes has a long tradition in Herbalism. It works. Some have used Red Pepper, Poke, Sand, Red Clay and many other herbs and products. - Martin
Posted by: Martin Redbird | June 20, 2009 at 06:57 AM