Find some garlic mustard and sit with it. Tell it you are going to harvest it.
Acknowledge that you are giving death to the plants. Dig up as many roots as you wish.
Soak the whole plant in cold water to loosen the dirt, then rinse.
Cut off the larger leaves, but keep the smaller purplish leaves and all petioles; chop.
Fill a glass or plastic jar with your chopped herb and then fill it to the top with apple cider vinegar.
Close with a non-metallic lid and label with the contents and date. Very shortly the red coloration will be visible in the center of the roots.
Within four hours the red coloration and the taste have moved out of the roots into the vinegar.
You can start using your Garlic Mustard Root Vinegar immediately on salads or stirred into water and taken to relieve sinus congestion.
Yes, it does get better and stronger if you let it sit longer, but go ahead and use it now. Wow!
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