dear susun
i am a patient of stomach and for long time i take medicine but its not working , i have stomach acid and sour ,inflammation so i seen your web site herbal medicine and natural herb and therapy so can you help me from where i can find your medicine or do you have any medicine store to buy it and i will be appreciate you .
thank you
Wali, hello!
Susun doesn’t sell herbal preparations… Perhaps you can call in during her free health hotline? That way she can get more details and give you some possible options.. She holds these each Tuesday evening from 7:30pm-9pm Eastern; (646) 929-2463 … depending on what your particular issue is, dandelion is an excellent herbal ally for digestive problems – so that may be something to start with… Some of Susun’s articles are below that may be of use…
Wise Woman Team
Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call in with your questions or email ahead of time to [email protected].
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If you're ready to go deeper with your herbal studies, join Susun on her new Mentorship website. Get new content weekly such as the expanded herbal ezine, replays of teleseminars, videos, audio of Susuns past lectures, many articles by Susun, and even personal one on one mentorship from Susun.
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