I am looking for a good sunscreen
Thank you
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Here is more information about using St. Johns wort oil.
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Posted by: Allie | July 15, 2016 at 01:16 PM
I was excited about St. John's wort oil as a sunscreen, so I have been using it the last few days, for a few minutes a day on my face in the hot summer Massachusetts sun. But I'm dismayed because I have notice some light brown patches on my face :( and I think I am experiencing that photosensitive effect that people talk about. I've stopped before it gets any worse, but has Susun known anyone who's experienced this just from the oil (I'm not taking capsules . . . . ) I'm certainly fair skinned, but not at the palest end of the spectrum. Thank you! Marilyn
Posted by: Marilyn | July 09, 2016 at 01:45 PM