I'm so happy to have found your work online. I actually was recommended your books by Karen Rose, who owns an apothecary near my apartment in Brooklyn. Long story short, it is my intention to one day open my own apothecary that focuses on women's health and wellness. I've been really cultivating my interest in herbalism and plant based healing over the past couple of years and I'm just so in love with everything I'm learning about. I was hoping to get some advice from you regarding the business, where to begin, how to become more involved with the herbalist community, etc etc. I'd love to speak to you personally, if at all possible.
Do you have a brick and mortar location or are you strictly online? Maybe I could take the train out to Woodstock! That would be awesome, the city is making me so sad lately. Too much concrete! Let me know if a meet-up would be something that might interest you. You seem like a very wise woman. :)
Many thanks,
Wise Woman Team
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