Thanks for the newsletters.
I need some advice please - is it okay to use Frontier Natural Products - Cut & Sifted Nettle - Stinging Leaf ?
I'm a little concerned that the sifted leaf won't be as strong as unsifted?
I hope to hear from you soon so I can place an order.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Hello Rahme,
As far as I know, any of the online sources -- including the ones that Susun recommends -- will be carrying cut and sifted material for the bulk dried herbs. It is not as optimal as harvesting your own, as yes, once cut they start to lose potency, and especially the smaller the pieces. That being said, we do still recommend places such as Frontier and Susun uses them when she needs to... It is a high quality product, make sure to avoid light and dampness in storing them and you will be receiving the benefits of the plants... There is also a lot to be said for the power of intent ... trust the herbs are going to do what they need to do ... Almost all of us have to rely somewhat on other sources as we are unable to harvest everything we may need or in the quantity we need.
Wise Woman Team
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