Hello, My name is Angela, I am interested in becoming certified in herbal medicine.
Thank you,
Hello Angela and thanks for writing ...
Susun would love to have you as a student. It may be beneficial for you to learn a bit about Susun's approach and the Wise Woman Tradition as I am not sure exactly what you mean by certified. There actually is no herbal certification in the states for general herbal medicine. Yes, schools offer certifications but since there is no set standard, quality and meaning behind it can vary dramatically and being certified or not doesn't stop one from becoming an herbalist.
The ABC of Herbalism is a great foundation for taking herbs in whichever direction you wish and in learning more about the shamanic way of interacting with the plants. I don't know if you've read the description at our site but it goes into more detail: http://www.susunweed.com/Correspondence-Course-ABC.htm
Also some articles that go into learning herbalism and the Wise Woman Tradition:
Susun also goes a bit into certification during this recent radio show:
Let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Wise Woman Team
Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call in with your questions or email ahead of time to [email protected].
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If you're ready to go deeper with your herbal studies, join Susun on her new Mentorship website. Get new content weekly such as the expanded herbal ezine, replays of teleseminars, videos, audio of Susuns past lectures, many articles by Susun, and even personal one on one mentorship from Susun.