Dear Susun and other Herb Sisters:
In Susun's recent newsletter, she mentions poke root tincture being good for cancer. Would this include skin cancers such as squamous cell? And she also mentions spider, scorpion and snake bites...... Spider bites are of great concern to me, as we have a large population of black widow spiders in my backyard.....
OK, then how do you make poke root tincture? Do you wash, dry, and chop the roots before adding the appropriate menstrum? (I would use diluted Everclear.)
I have a 3-year-old poke plant in my garden that my husband now wants to dig up and destroy, but goodness, if I could make a medicine with the roots, how wonderful!
Thank you so much.

Tincture is used in very small dosage -- often times just a drop or two, also poke root has been applied externally in an effort to burn away cancer... this is talking about breast cancer, but can also be applied to skin cancers...
From Susun: "Jethro Kloss, author of the classic herbal Back to Eden, used freshly grated raw poke root poultices to burn away breast cancer. Caution: Fresh poke placed directly on the skin is strong enough to damage healthy tissues as well as cancerous ones.
The infused oil is also effective and far safer. A generous amount is gently applied to the lump, covered with a flannel cloth and then with a hot water bottle (no heating pads), and left on for as long as you’re comfortable. This is repeated at least twice a day. Poke root oil is too powerful for regular preventive care. Caution: Poke oil can cause a rash on sensitive skin. Ingestion of poke oil can cause severe intestinal distress.
Poke root tincture can be used instead of poke root oil. The properties are quite similar, though the oil is absorbed better and may be considerably more effective."
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