What would you recommend for someone with interstitial cystitis, please....having to get up hourly at night to pass water, and also very frequently during the day too? Thanks...
Some suggestions - drink plenty of soothing infusions such as comfrey leaf and linden. www.nourishingherbalinfusions.com
Yoga, acupuncture, kegel exercises - anti inflammatory herbs such as osha root tincture, st. Joan's (st. John's) wort tincture, avoid spicy foods, eat whole grains, barley broth, seeds, cooked vegetables and fruit...
Here is an article by Susun: http://www.susunweed.com/herbal_ezine/May08/grandmother.htm
More information in Susun's books New Menopausal Years and her newest, Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health, the Wise Woman Way.
I would also check out our forum at www.healingwiseforum.com for further ideas.
Wise Woman Team
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Just wanted to say thanks for all the info on interstitial cystitis, not alot out there... Marshmallow root has been a life saver! Any one out there who has IC and hasn't tried it please do!
Posted by: Lisa Gaeser | March 21, 2012 at 10:02 AM