Hi Susun
My sister has Lung Cancer a tumor that can not be operated on and I was wondering if there were any herbs that can she can take or make a tea out of?
...I love everything you talk about you are reason I started a few years ago to study the herbs. Thank you very much.
Susun mentions that mistletoe has made dramatic improvements in general health, especially for those with late-stage cancers. It is usually administered by injection, but can also be taken as an infusion. As one needs to be cautious when using mistletoe, it would be best if you can find someone in your area to monitor your sister. Some other allies to investigate would be for lungs: mullein leaf infusions, elecampne root tincture, horsetail tea, nettle infusions, yarrow flower tincture. For the brain: gingko leaf tincture, oatstraw infusions, rosemary tea, lavendar tea, red clover blossom infusions. I would suggest that you go to our forum at www.healingwiseforum.com. You may be able to find someone in your area to work with your sister and also for further suggestions. Susun goes into a lot of detail for various approaches in her book, Breast Cancer? Breast Health!
Susun does also offer phone consultations as well and may be something that your sister would consider. These are in twenty minute and 1 hour sessions and all pertinent information is sent in advance so that all of the time can be used with Susun talking.
These are booked through our bookshop here: http://www.herbalmedicinehealing.com/store/store_results.asp?Category=3&SubCat=1034&Section=Consultations
Note: Susun will spend one hour on the phone with you and 30 minutes reading your question and preparing for consultation, another 20 minutes will be spent formatting your mp3 and sending it to you, and another 20 minutes for an assistant to schedule your consultation time and other logistics, so the fee covers 130 minutes including three people’s service (Susun and two assistants).
Wise Woman Team