Have you ever seen anyone completely cured of herpes? In other words, do you have a way of clearing this from the system?
I am not familiar with anyone being completely cured of herpes. As Susun states in her book, Down There, "There is no cure for genital herpes or Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Once you have it, you have it." So, of course, treatment is centered around minimizing symptoms, reducing outbreaks and so forth. St Joan's wort is the first thing I'd reach for with herpes, applying the infused oil to the sores and taking the tincture internally, anywhere from 4-8 dropperfuls a day as needed. Keeping the immune system strong is essential, drinking daily infusions, eating a good diet, including mushrooms, seaweed, nettles, burdock...
Susun has a number of treatment options in her new book, Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way. Also you will find a number of threads dealing with the subject at our forum: www.healingwiseforum.com. Susun's free health hotline on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call in with your questions 1-646-929-2463. Visit the link for more info: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/susunweed Just let us know if you need any further assistance.
Wise Woman Team
i have heard of chinese medicine completely curing such chronic conditions as herpes and even HIV. you might not find any studies on this, but i know at least one person who has found success with chinese medicine. it would be worth looking into!
Posted by: kelly | October 20, 2011 at 05:42 AM