I have just completed my week of intense fever from acute Lyme. I am extremely sensitive to antibiotics, they make me severely ill, and do not want to take them. I saw somewhere that you suggested st. john's wort tincture for Lyme, is this for acute or later? Also, is there anything else you would recommend in the acute phase for killing off the bacteria so this doesn't become chronic? Thank you.
Brightest Blessings...
Actually with Lyme, Susun does recommend antibiotics, especially in the acute, first few months. Sometimes, just like going to the hospital to set a broken leg, it is best to use the resources of the scientific tradition.
Once chronic, St. joan's can be used - many have found teasel tincture to be very good for dealing with Lyme. Stephen Buhner's book, Healing Lyme, also goes into many different ways to help, but again, in beginning stages, she suggests antibiotics.
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