Wondering if you have or could refer me to any pages for mens health preferably. I have a couple of imbalances including bones/joints, hair, low testosterone and get tired easily.
Any help would help thank you...
Susun's teachings are definitely important to men's health as well. The main piece is daily use of nourishing herbal infusions and all of the herbs mentioned are as vital for men's overall health as it is for women's. You can read more about them here: http://nourishingherbalinfusions.com/
Drinking nettles infusions is Susun's favorite for increased energy and vibrancy, healthy full hair; comfrey leaf for bones and joints; oatstraw for bone health, heart health and increased libido; red clover for cancer prevention...
Diet is important. Many of us follow the Nourishing Traditions Diet which focuses on whole foods, complex carbs, raw dairy, protein, good fats, etc. Making sure to incorporate these foods helps to balance out many health issues. Good bone broths are wonderful for your joints and bones: http://www.westonaprice.org/food-features/broth-is-beautiful
You can search our health forum: www.healingwiseforum.com as well for further suggestions or to ask your own questions. Just let us know if you need any further assistance.
Wise Woman Team