I got your name from someone who has read your books. She thought you might be able to recommend something for me. I am a young, healthy woman and mother. I recently had my gallbladder removed, after months of throwing up and diarrhea.The vomiting and diarrhea have stopped now, but I have virtually constant, painful abdominal pain.
Doctors have done lots of tests (upper GI, ultrasounds of pelvis and abdomen, blood work (celiac disease, ovarian cancer, liver tests, CBC, anemia, etc.). All come back normal. A colonoscopy showed a spasm colon, and so far, the diagnosis is IBS. I have been told to live with the chronic pain. Can you help? I don't feel anyone should be given such advice.
First thing that comes to mind is to try slippery elm - you can mix the powder with enough honey to make a paste and eat it, can be done daily to help soothe the digestive system. Another one that you could perhaps add would be marshmallow root. Soothing herbal infusions of mallow, comfrey, or linden to help ease pain and counter inflammation. If you are unfamiliar with infusions, you can learn more at Susun's site here: http://nourishingherbalinfusions.com/
Susun mentions Blackberry (Rubus villosus and other species). From Susun: "Blackberry Root is a good choice for an astringent tincture. Prolonged use of a tea of the leaves is said to cure not only simple diarrhea, but even serious intestinal problems such as gastritis, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome."
Turmeric is an antispasmodic to smooth muscles, helps in reducing digestive cramping and is easy enough to add to your diet.
Another thing I would try would be oatstraw infusions, which are very calming and soothing on not only the digestive system but also on the nervous system and it seems that often times IBS symptoms become much worse under stress and anxiety. Could also start your day with oatmeal. Catnip is a gentle anti-spasmodic that you may also wish to look into. Drinking the tea as needed may help.
Susun offers a free health hotline, on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call in with your questions 1-646-929-2463. Visit the link for more info: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/susunweed, so you may wish to try and speak with her there, or also check out our forum at www.healingwiseforum.com. I imagine a search there will bring up a number of threads on IBS and other digestive issues.
Wise Woman Team