Hello Justine,
I am wondering if you happen to know any good places you would recommend for becoming a clinical herbalist? I know your mom, Susun, has courses also. Does by taking her courses allow one to be a clinical herbalist? One who can do it for a living? In other words, a master herbalist (Registered herbalist in Canada - qualification for the practice of herbalism or any other field of natural healing.)? I know of two good ones, Dominion Herbal College and Living Earth School of Herbalism. I much prefer if I could do much of my training in person along with other students, not on computers. thanks so much for your time, I look forward to hearing your inputs!!!
Kim here - I work with Justine. Short answer to your question, no - after taking Susun's courses you are not certified as an herbalist. At least not by any organization. This is not Susun's goal as she is against licensing of herbalists and works to teach everyone how to take control of their health. Here is a bit more from Susun's perspective: http://www.susunweed.com/Article_Shamanic_Herbalist.htm
Now, of course, there are always people who would rather go to an herbalist, instead of doing it themselves. So it is a good thing that they are ones out there to help. People have hung out their shingle and started practicing for the community after taking Susun's courses but a lot of that depends on where you are located and the laws of that area. The two schools you mentioned are great. For resources on a more formalized approach, I would also check out here: http://www.herbnet.com/university_p2.htm
Just let us know if you need anything else.
Wise Woman Team