Q: You say drink the infusions one at a time but is it ok to make 2 or 3 and drink them in the same day example oatstraw, nettle and red clover.
Also I am very interested in taking you abc of herbal's course when does it start and do I pay 50.00 per month?
The reason I want to take it is that I am very interested in herbs and healing. It all started with your breast cancer book I had calcifications in my mammo and the dr. immediatly wanted to do a biopsy and I said no so now I am supposed to go back for a repeat mammo in Jan but I just felt that it was not the right thing to do. When I said no to the biopsy he said oK then why did you want me to have it I said, he said so you know for sure!!!! I said know what for sure, he said nothing anyways hence my interest in your work, I also was very tired of taking vitamins and supplements I want my life simpler than it is, I want to go back to the old ways.
Anyways I love your books
A: Hello, thank you for writing. We are so glad you enjoy Susun's work and want to study further with her. We enjoyed your story; always nice to hear people question and choose for themselves!
Susun's newest correspondence course, the ABC of Herbalism, can be taken any time that best suits you. As a correspondence student, your course is between you and Susun, so when you start is your choosing.
If you choose to pay in the ten $50 installments, it would be monthly. If you pay online through www.ash-tree-publishing.com, the payments will automatically be deducted each month. You also have the option to pay by mail to Susun Weed at PO Box 64, Woodstock, NY 12498.
You can drink the infusions however you feel compelled. It is recommended you make one at a time both so that none will go bad, and so that you can get a body feel for each, rather than having them all mixed together. I used to do it one at a time, then even chose to drink only one for a whole month before doing another for a whole month, etc. helping me to know each more intimately. After years now of drinking them, and now that I am not the only one in the household who drinks them, I often have two or three going at a time. This way we can choose what best fits us in the moment.
If I can help you further as you register for your course, with any more infusion questions, or in any other way, please do let me know! Susun looks forward to hearing from you and beginning your course :)
Karen Joy
[email protected]