Q: I have had no pain, in the bladder, except one day bleeding from the bladder for one week. Now they want to do all the usual cancer treatments. It is the transitional cell type and 60% chance of return in the bladder. I agreed to biopsy but nothing else. I was taking the herbs for Osteoporosis your book suggested. Now taking the herbs in the Essiac Tea. Also tincture of Blood Root and Green Tea. Should I stop all vitamins? I drink organic cranberry juice very dilute and also green juices as well as chlorophyll. I feel overwhelmed with info.
Please set me on the right path.
Many blessings to you
A: Hello, thank you for writing. I can understand why you feel overwhelmed. There is a lot of information out there!! If you wish to speak with Susun Weed, you are invited to call her FREE herbal/health hotline on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call in with your questions 1-646-929-2463. Visit the link for more info: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/susunweed
Here is a bit Susun has written on Essiacfrom page 302 of Breast Cancer? Breast Health! --
The Wise Woman version of Essiac
1 ounce/30 grams dried Arctium lappa (burdock) roots, cut
1/2 ounce/15 grams dried Rumex crispus (yellow dock) roots, cut
1/8 ounce/3.5 grams Ulmus fulva (slippery elm) bark, powdered
Infuse all three herbs in a 1 quart/liter boiling water for 8 hours.
Strain; refrigerate liquid. Daily dose is 1/2 cup/125 ml, hot or cold.
Easily available, reasonably priced yellow dock replaces her difficult sisters: sheep sorrel and turkey rhubarb. Using my standard infusion technique to make enough brew to last for a few days eliminates the need to sterilize jars, and allows you to try Wessiac without buying pounds of herbs. (You will want to buy herbs by the pound if your're going to use Essiac or Wessiac consistently.) Because it's gentler on the intestines, Wessiac can be used daily for months. For this deep down dirty brew I give thanks to the deep roots. Dirt is Earth; the Earth is sacred; dirty is sacred, too.
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Susun now has a course on Cancer diagnosis.
If you would like to speak about it directly, you can communicate any Tuesday via the online radio show.
Call or Skype in, Tuesday nights at 7:30 edt: 1-646-929-2463
Posted by: Allie | April 19, 2018 at 10:51 AM
My husband has brain cancer and is taking Chemo. There is only one kind he can take. It is a pill and the only chemo that crosses the blood brain barrier. It is called Temozolomide. He takes it on a 28 days cycle. 5 days on, 23 days off.
I was looking into giving him Essiac but am now seeing different information on this tea.
What can I give him to support him and would Susan's version be safe during the 23 days that he is not on the chemo? What should be avoided?
This is the second time that he has cancer. He was first diagnosed in 2016 and it returned in 2017.
If I call in to the radio show, is there a toll free number? What time zone is it in? We are in Montreal.
Thank you,
Posted by: Anushka | April 15, 2018 at 07:45 AM