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July 19, 2008



Susun now has a course on Cancer diagnosis.

If you would like to speak about it directly, you can communicate any Tuesday via the online radio show.
Call or Skype in, Tuesday nights at 7:30 edt: 1-646-929-2463


My husband has brain cancer and is taking Chemo. There is only one kind he can take. It is a pill and the only chemo that crosses the blood brain barrier. It is called Temozolomide. He takes it on a 28 days cycle. 5 days on, 23 days off.

I was looking into giving him Essiac but am now seeing different information on this tea.

What can I give him to support him and would Susan's version be safe during the 23 days that he is not on the chemo? What should be avoided?

This is the second time that he has cancer. He was first diagnosed in 2016 and it returned in 2017.

If I call in to the radio show, is there a toll free number? What time zone is it in? We are in Montreal.

Thank you,

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