Q: Hello…
While reading Susun’s book New Menopausal Years I saw mentioned the impending release of a book entitled Down There: The Wise Woman Way that is said to deal with the issues of ovarian cysts and hyperplasia. Since I’m currently having issues with both I was wondering if the book is still going to be released. I’m 56 and in menopause. I have incidents of bleeding/spotting and was told my endometrial lining was thick. I had a D&C which showed the tissue to be benign but it has grown back to its original thickness in two-month time and the spotting and bleeding continue. I have a history of fibroids as well and am now told (after a pelvic ultrasound) that there is also a small cyst on my left ovary. Naturally, the doctor wants to do a hysterectomy claiming that is the only way the bleeding will cease and I can eliminate the possibility of any cancer forming. After doing some research, I discovered that the problem may be due to my years on birth control pills (Ortho Novum 777) which cites endometrial hyperplasia as a side effect, nothing I was ever told. I DO NOT want a hysterectomy and am praying and looking into alternative approaches for my problem. Any suggestion, reading materials, physicians who have dealt with this problem, would be so appreciated.
A: Hello, thank you for writing.
Susun is currently working on Down There, simply taking longer than she originally planned - it is coming along wonderfully!!
Here are some of Susun's thoughts on ovarian cysts:
Here is a link to a previous answer Susun gave to another woman with ovarian cyst concern. Her recommendation:
Try chickweed tincture, a dropperful four times a day. Continue for as long as it takes. I have known several women dissolve very large ovarian cysts this way. If you want it to go away faster, you could also use castor oil packs.
And here she writes more about Chickweed...
Chickweed (Stellaria media) has secret dissolving powers. Ovarian cysts, dermoid cysts, lumps in the breast and elsewhere can't hold their own against her slippery ways when a dropperful (1 ml) is taken 4-5 times a day, persistently, for many months. And have you tried chickweed pesto? It vibrates with antioxidant power!
How long has it been since you last bled? Fibroids can grow through menopause though disappear shortly after.
I suppose cutting out organs can eliminate chance of getting cancer there, but this seems a drastic way to ensure this to me. We all have our levels of what is comfortable though. And I trust a woman to know what is best for her.
The explanations I have read for hyperplasia seem to think it is possibly from excessive estrogen unchecked by progesterone. Estrogen levels will decrease, as long as you don't take hrt, as you go through menopause. As well, Vitex berry tincture, as described in New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way, can help one produce more progesterone if needed.
Do let me know if I can help further.
Karen Joy
[email protected]