Q: Hi Karen Joy,
At times I feel bloated like a Toad even if I don't eat much..I feel to cleanse/detoxify my system as I'm sure my Digestion isn't up to par..what would be your suggestions?I do have Candida..
A: I think our digestive systems are like ecosystems. Rather than cleansing I feel we need to nourish. Often when we are unable to digest our foods well, they ferment and cause gas, leaving us feeling bloated. Rather than cleansing, removing stuff, we need to add to, to add good bacteria. I believe too we need to help lighten our load by eating more easily digested foods. Of course we all have our unique ideas of what those are. Then we can again build up our digestive strength and fire.
I add to my healthy bacteria with wild fruits and salads, home fermented wines, homemade kim chee, and whole yogurt, in spoonfuls at a time, with live cultures in it. I also aid digestion with root tinctures like Dandelion or Burdock, and with bitter herbs as tinctures, teas or salad greens. Finally I feel carminatives can be particularly helpful when dealing with bloating. These herbs, usually parsley family seeds, can be chewed plain, cooked into foods, or made into after dinner teas.
We all have Candida. It is a natural and healthy part of life. If there is an imbalance of it then we need to add other wonderful bacteria and yeasts, as mentioned above, to once again restore balance...
love and blessings,
Karen Joy
[email protected]