Q: Hi Susun:
Thank you for your words. I read you whenever I feel deflated and uninspired as a wise woman.
I am taking my 5 year old girl and I to Asia in February next year. We will be in S-E Asia and hopefully Nepal and India.
I have travelled for years but I have only ever had a "chemical" first aid kit. I would like to put together a herbal one to take.
Would you be able to help me here? Perhaps you have a list or a direct link to something on your site?
I would really appreciate any help you can give.
A: It is wonderful to hear how you enjoy Susun's work. We will be sure to share your words with her. Susun teaches a class every year about making your own herbal first aid kit. I took this many years back and found it wonderful. I cannot remember all that she taught to be in her kit, but I am happy to share what is in mine, which is likely very similar. I do not know of a specific article she wrote on this, though I believe she is or has written on this in her regular SageWoman articles. Do let me know if I can help.
Karen Joy
Q: Hi
Thanks for writing back. I would love to know what you put in your kit. Do you also have labels for their use in different situations? I will also research on the web.
Look forward to hearing from you.
A: My herbal first aid kit that I take with me when I travel has:
Tinctures of...
~Echinacea Root
~Dandelion Root
~Yarrow flowering tops (kept in a spray bottle to use in throat or topically as well as internally)
~Hypericum flowering tops
~Poke root
~Osha root
~Skullcap flowering tops
~Wormwood flowering tops
Oil of...
~Comfrey root or Calendula flower
~Hypericum flowering tops
I used to keep a paper with suggested uses of each and amount to use but now know it well enough. I still practice a trick I learned from Susun - only fill bottles half full of the tinctures that are used in tiny amounts - Poke, Osha, Wormwood.
Lots of love,
Karen Joy