Q: Good Morning and thank you for your assistance.
Please I wish for assistance with eye problems. Both eyes have cataracts, glaucoma pressure and floaters.
I would like to know what herbs may assist and what lutin does and if it may assist and what vegetables contain lutin. I have taken nettle and oatstraw and am presently taking bladderwrack capsules. I looked for lutin in herb form to make infusions but can't find any.
Any assistance will be greatly received.
Thank You
A: Hello J., thank you for writing. This is a great question, how to nourish eye health! When you say you have taken nettle and oatstraw, do you mean drinking the infusions, prepared as Susun teaches? How much how often for how long? Are you no longer drinking these?
Lutein can be found in green leafy vegetables.
Some herbs known to help those with eye problems are:
clary sage
red clover
Please let me know if we can help further!
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Q: Thank you for your reply and the sharing of this information. To answer your questions...
Yes, the oatstraw and nettle infusions are being taken on a 'mostly' daily basis prepared as infusions as suggested by Susun. Surgery was done on one eye and was good for about 6 mths and started to regress back to impaired vision. I have the Healing Wise book by Susun Weed. I grew allot of Nettle this past year in our garden, harvested it and am now using our own. I have many dried calendula petals I harvested also... is this what you refer to as marigold petal in reference to the Lutein? If so, who an infusion of calendula be heplfull for the eyes? It is a challenge to know what can be made and drank as an infusion. Perhaps, as tincture would assist.
Thank you again for your assistance and time.
A: J. that is great you are drinking the infusions. I have to admit there is so much about eye health that is a mystery to me. I only know where to start. There could be structural or other causes for these troubles that I am unaware of.
Some sources say the lutein is derived from marigold (Tagetes spp.) and some interchange this name with Calendula officinalis, which is calendula. The lutein is then extracted in a lab. These petals are edible, so when fresh I would add them to salads. When dried I would make a tea of them. I would compare this though to the greens so encourage you to eat these too. I think sometimes we think herbs are separate from food and somehow more effective. It is easy to overlook the great effects foods can have on our health.
You may enjoy the personal accounts in this website: http://www.ctds.info/eye-floaters.html
I have heard that men and women who have been vegetarian for a while and are older begin to develop many eye troubles. Of course I do not know if this applies to you ;)
Karen Joy
I read that there are rarely any symptoms in the early stages of the glaucoma so regular eye checks by qualified professionals are important. Ophthalmologists and optometrists will diagnose glaucoma on the basis of intraocular pressure, visual field tests and optic nerve head appearance.
Posted by: chalazion surgery | March 24, 2010 at 09:12 AM