Q: Hi Karen Joy,
I was browsing through Susun's website, which I am doing every chance I get as it is so wonderful.
I went into Ash Tree, and want to get a few starter books on herbal infusions.
One of the one's that I am going to order is Nature's Children. The one I'm looking for is a book on infusions and what each herb does and when to use and when not to etc.. Can you please advise?
Lots of love
A: Hello A.,
We're so happy to hear you are enjoying the websites.
Nature's Children is a wonderful book! One of my favorites. A few books that might be what you are looking for are:
New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way by Susun Weed
I have found this book useful for any stage in life! It is incredibly rich with a myriad of healthful herbs, their uses, and preferrred preparations. It talks the most about infusions.
Common Herbs for Natural Health by Juliette Bairacli Levy
More than 200 herbs, uses, doses, praparations, and drawings for many of them
Healing Wise by Susun Weed
More in-depth focus on seven herbs, including the common infusion herbs Nettle and Oatstraw.
An option you may like is buying one of our collections, specifically the Herbal Medicine Starter Collection. This includes four herbals: A City Herbal by Maida Silverman, Healing Wise by Susun S. Weed, Opening Our Wild Hearts to the Healing Herbs by Gail Edwards, and Common Herbs for Natural Health by Juliette de Bairacli Levy.
The two here that I didn't mention above are also great books!
Karen Joy
[email protected]