Q: Dear Susun,
I recently read an article in Awareness Magazine, a Californian Holistic Magazine, featuring yourself discussing herbal cures for several feminine issues. I've known about your herbal cures and own several of your books.
I am writing to you specifically in regard to my daughter Jennifer, who is 35 years old and married. At the present time she is working on her dissertation (PhD), and as you can appreciate it, it is an extremely trying time for her. My concern presently is the tremendous amount of stress she is experiencing. I would like to get her on an herbal program that will see her through this without causing any undue damage to her system. She is also contemplating having a baby when this ordeal is over.
How can I prepare her so that her reproductive organs will not be undermined for her future, relative to all the stress she is undergoing. From your article I believe the stinging nettle herb, the oat straw and red clover would be of great benefit for her stress, however, what herbs can I give her to maintain the integrity & health of her reproductive organs. This is my prime concern.
Any input on your part would be greatly appreciated, I have to guide her at this point in time and your advice would be a major source help for me.
Thanking you in advance, I remain
Sincerely yours,
A: Hello C., thank you for writing. So wonderful your love for your daughter. In addition of course to all she can do to nourish herself in regards to sleep, activity, loving friends and family, etc. the infusion herbs you suggest sound great. The Oatstraw to help her nerves through this, the Nettles for energy and deep reserves, and the Red Clover. The latter is actually wonderfully nourishing to our reproductive systems, along with Red Raspberry leaf infusions. I encourage you to try all these independently with her and see which she is drawn to, may only be one, may be none, may be all.... This is an essential part of this work, trusting the wisdom of the individual person. While one herb does wonders for one person, it may not be the right herb for the time for another. Then check in again a few weeks down the road and see if the herbs that feel right are the same or need to be changed. She is blessed to have a mother like you.
Karen Joy
[email protected]