Q: Dear Susun, I am trying to get pregnant. I make your infusions red clover & red raspberry in a jar for 4 hours. Then I refrigerate them. Can I reheat the infusions or add boiling water to a part of it to drink it warm?
Thank you. e.
A: Hello E., so wonderful you are drinking, and nourishing yourself with, these herbal infusions! Absolutely, you may prepare the infusions, once made, in any way that helps you enjoy them. You may drink at any temperature, and dilute or flavor with anything you would like. Enjoy!
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Q: Dear Karen Joy, How long do they last in the refrigerator?
A: Hi E., some last longer than others, and it depends on how long out of the fridge, and at what temperature. They ought to last at least 24 hours. Some, in my opinion, have lasted as long as 3 days, but 24-36 hours is a good rule of thumb. Once passing freshness, you can use some as nice hair rinses, or water your plants with them!
Karen Joy