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March 20, 2009



I have a two and a half month old baby that is nursing full time. I have been taking an herbal kidney cleanse that has a small amount of comfery in it. Just today someone told me they won't take it because the comfery could hurt their baby's liver.(she is nursing) I know you may not be able to give medical advice, but if you were me would you finish up the cleanse? I have been losing strands of mucus from my urinary track and would like to get my kidneys cleaned out before I get pregnant again. I just want to know your opinion.


Comfrey grows like a weed everywhere where I live in the UK. I wish it were legal for me to send over the pond. My question is ... is there a 'best time' to harvest it? Last week, I asked permission of the plants and took a few springtime leaves and stalks that have the buds of the flowers on them. I ate the flower buds, I could not resist. I have dried the leaves and will use these for infusions... I see in your picture the flowers have bloomed... So is it better to harvest after it has bloomed? Perhaps it doesn't matter much? For years I have eaten it infrequently like spinach, as I was shown by a friend. (Also nettles but nettles more frequently and in soup.)

Do the chemical constituents vary as the plant grows?

Thanks in advance! C

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