Q: Hi Susun,
I am a 39 year old devasted mother who has just this weekend suffered my third miscarriage.
I am a mother of a beautiful, healthy 3 year old son, and I thank God that at least
I was able to conceive my son. All my miscarriages have been around 10 weeks,
and for the first two the fetus did not make it through at 6 weeks, but I carried
until the tenth week.
I have decided to take matters in my own hands as the doctors at emergency
has basically said that I really cannot do anything about my miscarriages, and
will have to suffer more losses than gains, and that my eggs are probably damaged.
I cannot except that, and the next pregnancy I am going to try all that I can to
produce a healthy sibling for my son.
I have read your website and have come up with this plan. I would really really
appreciate any advise you can give me, as all the healthcare givers have really
been discouraging to me.
I am Susun brokenhearted and I really need some hope
right about now.
This son is my first son, he was a healthy normal pregnancy.
I have been breastfeeding him from the get go, and am doing so
right now at 3 1/2 years of age until he self weans. I have done some research and will
continue to breastfeed him throughout my next pregnancy if he
so wishes.
I am healthy, except since birth I have had very heavy bleeding
and super painful menses, and very very painful mettleshmertz.
I am constantly constipated, and this is extremely painful during
moontime, and ovulation. I have talked to my physician who
told me to take the laxative Prodiem for the rest of my life, which
in fact I am doing right now. I was shocked that it was constipation
as I have a movement everyday. I include lots of fibre in my diet still,
drink lots of water and have gone through colon irrigation, but really I have noticed
its during moontime its the worst especially painful in my lower
right hand side. I also have a uterine fibroid growing outside
my uterus at the side, and my doctor doesn't feel we need
to do anything about this.
I am telling you all this because I don't know if this has a link
to my miscarriages at all.
After this third miscarriage my intuition is telling me that really
I was supposed to have this baby, and maybe it was the level
of my hormones. Can extended breastfeeding have anything
to do with this?
Also prior to this miscarriage I had gone to a Chinese doctor
who had prescribed herbs and performed acupuncture for
this pregnancy to stay.....obviously did not work.
After reading your website, I have come to the conclusion that
I need to include the following in my diet:
(1) Vitex -
Firstly to shrink my fibroids.
Is taking this for a long period harmful to my son?
If it produces progesterone will I be able to conceive?
Is this what I need to up my hormones or should I also take Wild Yam
closer to conception?
Am I able to take this in a herbal pill form?
How much?
(2) Wheat Germ Oil -
For the Vitamin E content as I am aging.
Is taking this everyday the right thing to do?
I am taking Udos oil also.
Is this okay for my son?
How much?
(3) Red Rasperry Leaf
Should I be taking this for post miscarriage?
Should I keep on taking this until my next pregnancy in November and throughout?
Is this going to affect my son?
How much?
(4) Wild Yam
This on top of Vitex?
- I read only during ovulation until the next menses, is this now until November?
- Is this bad for my son?
- How much?
(5) Stinging Nettle
Should I start now and continue to my next pregnancy?
- Is this going to affect my son?
- How much?
(6) Is there anything I can take beside Prodiem to help cleanse my colon and safe enough for breastfeeding and
(7) Should I be taking anything else for getting ready for a healthy pregnany and then during, which will not
be bad for my son.
Honestly what a long list of questions, and I am sorry to burden you with such a terribly long list. I am
compelled to ask you these questions though and hope you will be able to advise me.
I thank you again for your time Susun, and God Bless You.
A: Hello A., I hear your sadness AND your determination to have a successful pregnancy and birth. I also hear you have really been reading at the websites, and have many informed questions.
I am a student of Susun's and help with her correspondence. I can comment on some of your questions below:
After reading your website, I have come to the conclusion that I need to include the following in my diet:
(1) Vitex -
Firstly to shrink my fibroids.
Is taking this for a long period harmful to my son?
If it produces progesterone will I be able to conceive?
Is this what I need to up my hormones or should I also take Wild Yam
closer to conception?
Am I able to take this in a herbal pill form?
How much?
This sounds excellent; what I would have first recommended. You may have already read about this in this article by Susun about Fibroids. You will also see mention of the benefits of Vitex tincture in this article on Fertility After Forty - which answers your other questions about this herb as well.
Another important herbal ally for women over forty who desire a child is chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castii). It has been used in Africa and parts of Europe for several thousand years to discourage the male libido. In women, the effects seem to be the opposite! It may also be a fertility enhancer. Most importantly, chaste tree is a strengthening tonic for the pituitary gland, the master control gland for the endocrine system. Daily use of the tincture of the berries (1 dropperful/1 ml 2-3 times daily) had been shown to increase progesterone--the hormone of pregnancy--and luteinizing hormone--which promotes conception. Because it can lower prolactin levels, chaste tree is best discontinued during the last trimester of pregnancy.
(2) Wheat Germ Oil -
For the Vitamin E content as I am aging.
Is taking this everyday the right thing to do?
I am taking Udos oil also.
Is this okay for my son?
How much?
(3) Red Rasperry Leaf
Should I be taking this for post miscarriage?
Should I keep on taking this until my next pregnancy in November and throughout?
Is this going to affect my son?
How much?
Red Raspberry leaf infusions are wonderful uterine tonics, both post miscarriage and before and during pregnancy to help strengthen your uterus. Drinking them is like eating nourishing foods, in fact, many of us find that this infusion is one of the first favorites of our young ones. My son began drinking infusions with me before one year old! You can sweeten (or not) and ice this for a summer iced tea, or in winter I like to add honey and milk to this warmed infusion (but didn't give honey to my son before 9 months old -some say wait a year).
(4) Wild Yam
This on top of Vitex?
- I read only during ovulation until the next menses, is this now until November?
- Is this bad for my son?
- How much?
(5) Stinging Nettle
Should I start now and continue to my next pregnancy?
- Is this going to affect my son
- How much?
Nettle infusions, another wonderful infusion, so nourishing for people of all ages. Like above, drinking this is like eating healthful foods. I highly recommend it though pregnancy as well, even daily, especially in the last trimester for its vitamin K's blood-clotting assistance.
(6) Is there anything I can take beside Prodiem to help cleanse my colon and safe enough for breastfeeding and pregnancy?
I personally do not have any reason to believe that a colon ever needs to be cleansed. I hear you are concerned about constipation, and I do understand this. I find for myself and family that eating less refined products, drinking more infusions, like those mentioned above, and increasing cooked greens, all really help keep things flowing smoothly. I have also noticed that we each have our own rhythm, and rarely are our bowel movements daily, except when ill in the stomach.
(7) Should I be taking anything else for getting ready for a healthy pregnany and then during, which will not be bad for my son.
Comfrey leaf infusions might be very helpful! From the article "Fertility After Forty" mentioned above:
The single most important herb for pregnant women over forty is comfrey (Symphytum uplandica hybrids). The leaves of the mature plant contain an abundance of constituents beneficial to mother and babe, including generous amounts of minerals, alantoin, proteins, and many vitamins. The minerals in comfrey help insure healthy nervous system growth; the fetus's developing brain uses the proteins. And the alantoin helps the mother's tissues become stretchy and elastic...
Regular use of the leaf infusion, at least a quart a week, promotes a safe delivery by:
~ strengthening uterine muscles and preparing them to work easily and well.
~ strengthening perineal tissues so they become resistant to tearing.
~ strengthening uterine ligaments so the uterus does not prolapse
~ strengthening the bladder and increasing resistance to bacterial infection.
~ strengthening the vagina and helping to promote an environment hostile to infection. ~ providing easily assimilated minerals to prevent eclampsia and other complications.
~ helping the bones of the pelvis flex and open during birth.
~ increasing iron in the blood and thus forestalling post-partum hemorrhage.
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Q: Hi Karen Joy,
Its me again. I had a conversation with Susun and it was great talking to her, but I got so nervous
and my brain turned off that I forgot to ask her for clarification so I am hoping you can help me out.
I would like to take Vitex (for a twofold reason, one to up my hormone level and two
to shrink the fibroids) BUT I read in one of Susun's articles that too much progesterone (ie. in the
Wild Yam form can prevent me from getting pregnant), is this then true for taking Vitex from now until
I get pregnant in November? Too much Vitex can stop me from getting pregnant?
I am now drinking my infusions daily, alternating weekly from Red Rasperry Leaf and Nettle. Is this
the way to do it?
I haven't started drinking Comfrey Leafs as the lady at the health food store scared me with its
controversy in that is known to promote liver cancer? Is this true? Yikes, please if you can
advise me and tell me how safe it is really.
Also should I take Red Clover infusion also? I'm not having trouble getting pregnant my problem
is staying pregnant, and if Red Clover is a fertility enhancer do I need to?
Also Susun was telling me something about a miscarriage prevention tonicor recipe that she had
in one of her books but since I got nervous and dumb at the same time I forgot which book
or is it on the website?
Thank you Karen Joy for sending me all the information that you have to date. You can't possibly
know how much you have helped me through this rough time.
Love and Light
A: Hello A., I am so glad you are feeling cared for, and you were able to talk with Susun!
About Vitex and progesterone, it is my understanding that ultimately what Vitex really does is help nourish the endocrine system so we can produce the hormones we most need in the amounts we need them. Since it has been recommended, and used for long periods of time, for those with trouble conceiving, I would not feel concern it could decrease your chance of getting pregnant; instead I understand the opposite.
So wonderful you are drinking such nourishing herbal infusions! I generally encourage people to drink one infusion of one herb at a time, which you are doing. As far as how often you alternate them, this is up to your preferences. I generally alternate each day or couple days, depending on how fast I finish my quart or 1/2 gallon jar of it. Alternating every week is completely fine too.
I know there is much controversy over the comfrey issue and lots of fear around it now. What I have learned from Susun is that the comfrey that is sold is usually a hybrid comfrey and the leaves are free of the alkaloid that is of concern, pyrrolizidine alkaloid. This is in the roots though, so this is why we only drink infusions of the leaves. There are a couple instances where people had liver problems from too much pyrrolizidine alkaloid, though none that we know are from drinking the infusions of the leaves. There was consequently a test of the leaves of various comfreys across the country finding little or none of it in them. The popularized proof of this danger, as I understand, came from injecting rats with pure alkaloid that came from a different source even, one that had more of the alkaloid in it (http://www.greentit.com/comfrey.shtm). This is vastly different from drinking an infusion of the leaves. Susun has been recommending and drinking these infusions for many years with no ill effect, and none ever reported from her many students around the world who have done the same for years. I totally understand the concern, and encourage you to research as long as you feel you need to, and do what feels right. Certainly don't make yourself drink something if you are concerned it may harm you. As well, trust yourself if you feel drawn to comfrey leaf infusions and trusting of their health benefits.
You don't need to drink any infusions, just whatever you are drawn to. The four mentioned are the four Susun most recommends for anyone regardless of situation for general nourishing. Then some are encouraged more than others and/or in greater quantities, depending on the specific situation. Red Clover blossom infusions have benefit for most anyone, though as you point out may not be as needed in your situation as Red Raspberry, Comfrey or Nettle leaves. If you don't feel so drawn to them, and prefer to stick to the two or three, then I support you in doing just that.
Susun does have a miscarriage prevention brew recipe in her Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year. I am on the road working until the end of next week. I will save your email and send this recipe when I return to my library of books :)
You are welcome to continue to ask as you have questions, here and/or at the forum!
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Q: Hello Karen Joy,
So nice of you to reply to me even though you are so busy.
I have to say I SIMPLY LOVE THE INFUSIONS. THEY MAKE ME FEEL GOOD. To my surprise my little
picky 3 year old loves his iced nettle and rasberry leaf infusions, and so does my hubby.
Looking through the website I have come to the understanding that nettle everyday is a super good
thing, but rasberry leaf is tonifying and I would probably use it now until through my next pregnancy.
I am hoping you can suggest more great infusions for me to share with my family everyday besides
nettle? Is Red Clover a great everyday forever infusion for all?
Since my little guy is so picky I have the satisfaction knowing he is getting so nourished.
Should I keep on the rasperry with them for the next year or so?
Since I am lactating any other great infusions for me, or is nettle and raspberry the thing for me?
Also I have noticed my hormones are all over the place, are any of these infusions going to help
me balance me back? Or are we back to Vitex with that?
Thank you for saving the email and taking the time to send me the miscarriage brew.
I have noticed some great books with Ash Tree and am saving my pennies to stock
up my library.
Karen Joy you are an angel, and god bless you.
Love and Light
A: Hello again A., I hadn't realized these two emails were both from you! So wonderful you all are enjoying the infusions! The top herbs most often recommended for regular infusions as Nettle leaf, Oatstraw, Red Clover blossoms, Comfrey leaf, Mullein leaf, Red Raspberry leaf, and Linden blossoms. Though they strengthen us through time, they are all nourishing herbs. We often, though, alternate them for variety. This may help to with your child too.
The nourishing infusions will nourish you deeply over time, no doubt affecting change in the healthy functioning all around, hormones included :)
And now finally that I am home, the promised...
... from Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susun Weed...
Threatened Miscarriage Brew
1 Tbsp. dried Black Haw root bark -OR- cramp bark
3 Tbsp. dried Raspberry leaves
10 drops Wild Yam root tincture
10 drops False Unicorn root tincture
60 drops Lobelia herb tincture
Put the dried herbs in a quart jar or four cup teapot and fill vessel to the top with boiling water. Steep until cool enough to drink. Add Wild Yam and False Unicorn tinctures to one cupful of tea and drink. If contractions continue for more than 30 minutes, add 60 drops of Lobelia tincture to a second cup of tea. Drink a cup of tea every three hours, adding tinctures as needed, until miscarriage no longer threatens.
Black Haw (and Cramp bark) sedates the uterus and can stop contractions and pain; its astringent, antispasmodic and tonic actions are best extracted in water, but you may substitute a teaspoon of the tincture in each cup of brew. Raspberry leaves are also best used in a water base, providing calcium to ease the uterine muscles and astringency to slow bleeding.
Wild Yam root contains hormonal precursors which assist the body in creating the hormones needed to hold a pregnancy; it is also an antispasmodic. False Unicorn is the herbalist's standard for dealing with threatened miscarriage; it is reported to have been successful even when hemorrhage and regular contractions have begun.
Lobelia tincture can cause profound relaxation of the uterus and the whole body if the dose is large enough. If the 60 drops recommended here does not have a relaxing effect, increase the dose; the action of Lobelia varies widely according to the preparation used and the individual using it. Burning in the throat and a mild, but exceedingly brief, nausea accompany use of Lobelia.
Increase the effectiveness of this brew by resting in bed and taking 500 IU of vitamin E every six hours.
You are welcome to ask all that you want. I am happy to help!
Karen Joy
[email protected]
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