Dear Susun,
I am a huge fan of yours. I am an aspireing herbalist/healer myself.
I am 29 weeks pregnant and my waters broke on thursday. I am on strict bedrest in the hospital currently. I have not had any contractions or infection so far. This was so unexpected, far from anything I was anticipateing. Can you recommend anything to help heal the membrane? I have leaked very little fluid since the rupture...I am visualizing them resealing themselves. Baby is Not ready to come out.
(with this pregnancy I have been drinking yellow dock, which helped me immensely with iron/energy. But now we are hours away from home in a high tech hospital so anything I take has to be on the downlow. I hope to be out of here in a couple weeks and continue bedrest at home!!!?
Some things that are recommended to help heal the membranes would be nettle, comfrey leaf and violet leaf infusions. You are absolutely on the right track with visualizations as truly the power of our thoughts can make a huge difference in our healing. Susun recommends that you focus on the sensation of the membranes, visualize the torn edges merged together, your amniotic fluid and baby safely contained.
Take 5-10 drops of echinacea tincture 2-3 times daily to help against any infection. Be extremely vigilant about hygiene. No intercourse, nothing put inside vagina, no baths, after toilet use, rinse off with squirts of water. Vitamin C and E are helpful in regards to preventing infection and bleeding. Right now, know you are where you need to be, get plenty of rest, do your visualizations...
Susun doesn't do email but she does offer a free health hotline on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call in with your questions 1-646-929-2463. Visit the link for more info: and you may wish to also post at our forum, in case any of the wise women there have further advice:
Best wishes and healing to you.
Wise Woman Team
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