Fresh Cleavers tincture
Dropperful doses of this tincture relieve PMS, ease tender breasts, and encourage the lymphatic system to work harder, thus relieving edema. Its antispasmodic actions are concentrated in the mucus surfaces of the urinary and digestive systems, make it an ideal ally for those dealing with IC and IBS.
Have a jar, some sharp plant scissors, and 100 proof vodka at hand before you harvest your cleavers.
Cut the stalks into 1-2 inch pieces and fill a jar totally full with these cut pieces of leaf, flower, stalk, and even seeds.
Fill jar with vodka. Lid and label.
For the first two weeks, I leave my tincture on a table where I can watch it and add more vodka if necessary. Then I put it away.
Like most tinctures made from fresh plant material, this one will be ready to use in six weeks.