I have read some very positive entries on your site and now find myself needing advice...I am just into the second trimester and I am still taking vitex. I am too afraid to come off it but also afraid of any potential damage I might have done. My impulse is to halve the dose and continue it to the third trimester...
I guess after taking it for 6 months I am unsure how my body will react to it's absense. Could you give me any advice? Thanks!
So glad that you found us. :)
From Susun: "Most importantly, chaste tree is a strengthening tonic for the pituitary gland, the master control gland for the endocrine system. Daily use of the tincture of the berries (1 dropperful/1 ml 2-3 times daily) had been shown to increase progesterone--the hormone of pregnancy--and luteinizing hormone--which promotes conception. Because it can lower prolactin levels, chaste tree is best discontinues during the last trimester of pregnancy."
A good article to read over: http://www.susunweed.com/Article_Pregnancy_Problems.htm
Continue throughout pregnancy to support your body with herbal infusions - Susun's book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Years has more information on preventing miscarriage such as using Black Haw root bark - this you can drink throughout pregnancy if you wish, 1-2 cups of tea or 1/2 cup of the infusion. You may also want to check out our forum at www.healingwiseforum.com - we have a room dedicated to the childbearing year here:http://healingwiseforum.com/viewforum.php?f=3
Do let us know if you need any further assistance.
Wise Woman Team
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