Hello Susun,
I'm interested in learning how I can align my body with the moon cycle. I'm a 30 year old woman; in January or February of this year I stopped taking birth control. My body is slowly getting back to a regular cycle; this month in particular.
I've been looking for some information on how to align my menstrual cycle with the moon cycle. Do you have thoughts and/or suggestions?? I've heard about using a night-light but have not been able to find any helpful, clear literature on the internet. I'm not sure what to do or where to start. I'm
not certain that there is anything I can do......
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I hope you are well, take care...
Lunaception is what Susun recommends to realign yourself with the moon. Many of us, in this day and age, have this problem, especially with all of the light pollution around, nights are not even dark.
In the beginning it is best to sleep in a completely dark room - this means no electric clocks, phones, etc. in room, you may have to put heavy drapes over window, etc. You can read more here: http://www.lunaception.net/
I would also search through our forum at www.healingwiseforum.com for more suggestions as well.
Wise Woman Team