Hi There:
...I am a nurse educator who teaches pregnant women. I would love to get your newsletter and have your books, but also wanted to ask your opinion about using Arnica and Elderberry in pregnancy.
Any help would be appreciated. I thank you for what you do!
I would have no issues with using arnica during pregnancy as a topical ointment and it is often used for various pregnancy issues such as leg cramps and back aches. The homeopathic remedy is another safe form - good for helping with various aches and pains and also used during labor. I took elderberry syrup throughout my pregnancy and it worked wonderfully at keeping colds away during the winter.
Most likely you will find nearly any herb listed as being contraindicated while pregnant. Little research has been done on most, and what research is done, is using on taking them as supplements in a capsule form. Susun does not advocate taking capsules, and feels they are most often more harmful than anything. Always consider the form you are taking it in and pay close attention to how your body reacts.
Wise Woman Team
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