Hello Wise Women Team, Susan, Karen, Justine!
I cannot even begin to tell you what peace, joy and hope your website has brought me with reading the stories, letters, replies and all of your information. Last week I went to see a new OBGYN simply for an annual and to say my husband and I are ready to get pregnant again and need a new prescription for prenatal vitamins (my previous OBGYN has retired – he was great). I had one of those “well intentioned” medical professional doctors shock me with their bedside manner of quoting statistics on the 3% likelihood that I would get pregnant at 43 and that I should read a Time Magazine article that came out about career or motherhood and that I should immediately consider IVF. Enough said. I began my quest that very night for enlightened information. My husband is from Europe and was also aghast at her behavior and words, because, as you know, and does he, that women are naturally getting pregnant well into the 40’s throughout Europe.
When I got pregnant naturally a little over 4 years ago, I enjoyed preparing my mind and body for conceiving through yoga, and meditation and healthy nutrition for about a year or so before we actually started trying to conceive. We were blessed and once we decided to go for it we got pregnant in two months.
Now at 43 ¾ years, much like last time, I felt a knowing inside, my intuition is telling me that I feel ready to go for it again, this sense of peace and knowing arose in me about two months ago. My son is 3 ¾ years old and I feel good all the way around.
I have read all of your articles and beautiful correspondence with others so I know that I am going to begin the red clover and stinging nettle infusions – I can’t wait to feel their effects. And I have ordered the Wise Woman Herbal for the Child Bearing Year book.
My first question is about the weaning of my toddler. I do know that women often get pregnant while nursing. However I am imagining that it may be wiser for me to bring this beautiful nursing relationship to a gentle end in order to support a natural conception. Do you have thoughts on this transition and perhaps herbs to gently support the transition. Are there herbs that can lend themselves to restoring and preparing my body for fertility after nursing for these years? Should I wait to begin the Red Clover and Stinging Nettle infusions until my son has weaned?
I also wondered if you may know of OBGYN’s who follow and believe in/concur with, and incorporate your natural wisdom and herbs approach to fertility who practice in the Orange County, California area (Southern California). I live in Costa Mesa, CA, it is a city next to Newport Beach, Laguna, Irvine, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach cities. I am trying to find a natural holistic health embracing OBGYN, but this area is not known for this.
Again, thank you for being who you are and doing the life’s work that you do. We are blessed to have women such as yourselves in our culture and society. I am so looking forward to reading your books and being connected to this natural healing/health community.
All my blessing to you...
Our entire family drinks nourishing herbal infusions daily, including our two year old daughter, who has been drinking infusions since she was less than a year old. Of course, I relied on infusions throughout my pregnancy and during nursing, the nourishing herbal infusions are to be considered foods not medicines, so are safe for continued use and for the entire family.
I am 44, and conceived at 41, so I am with you, your age should not be any problem for you, provided you have the proper nutrients and good health, as you do. We don’t have an OBGYN to refer you to..Can you find a local birthing center and then get referrals and conduct interviews with several doctors in your area to find one that is in alignment with your needs?
There is conflicting support for prenatal vitamins, and some studies show them not being helpful for the baby, maybe even harmful. http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/13777/
As for the weaning of your son, it is a very personal choice, including when and how. It’s got to be a mutual decision between you and your son, so he does not feel deprived or slighted, especially with a new child coming in to the family. Is there a local la leche league near you, so you can meet other nursing mothers and discuss things they have done during the weaning process. At nearly four years old, your son might be willing to stop if you discuss it with him and allow a gradual process, that he feels a part of the decision making process.
Hi I am a 41 and a half year old mother of a 20 month old. We conceived right away without problems when I was 39. We have been trying for baby number 2 for the last year without luck and one chemical pregnancy in Sept. Im still nursing a few times a day. I saw a new OBGYN yesterday and she recommended I stop nursing. My prolactin levels are 18 within the normal range and my TSH is 1.66 also considered normal Im supposed to go get my FSH level tested next month on CD3. Is it possible that the nursing is still effecting my chances of conceiving even though my fertility returned when my daughter was 6 months old. I chart my BBT and use OPK's to detect ovulation. I do acupuncture 1x a week and take herbs. I do however need to loose about 15 lbs to get my BMI at 25 and a healthier weight... Im working on that. Do I really need to wean in order to have a better chance of conceiving?
Posted by: Rebecca | December 14, 2011 at 01:10 PM
Hi! I am a mother of 3 (18, 15 and 2) and my husband and I want to have another baby. Yesterday I went to my GYN to check my lab results and I was told that I am already in menopause at 44 years old and I have no chance to conceive unless I use an egg donor. I am devastated. I really want to have another baby, this is our second marriage for my husband and me and we don't know what to do. I was prescribe for hormone therapy (estradiol) but I am refusing to take until somebody can tell me if I have any chance to produce eggs again and become preganant. Anybody can help me or advise me?
Thank you for your help,
Posted by: Emily | April 20, 2010 at 09:17 PM