I am due to give birth in 14 weeks and am wanting to make my own
tincture from some herbs for the after birth pains.I have used
'afterease' before but am unable to buy it in tincture form where I
live. I now live in the UK. I can get each of the herbs in dried form
and want to make my own tincture. the recipe you have up on the website
is using one herb at a time. Could you please tell me how to do it with multi herbs? I have made it before but all my books are in the US at the moment so dont have access to them.
Thanks for your help
Hello... Here is the recipe from Susun Weed's “Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year”:
After-pain Brew
1 ounce dried Cramp Bark or Black Haw root bark
1/2 ounce dried Blue Cohosh root
1/4 ounce dried Hops flowers
Infuse herbs in a one quart jar filled with boiling water and sealed well. After eight hours, strain out herbs and refrigerate liquid.
Cramp bark (or Black Haw) is specific for relieving the pain of uterine contraction after birth or during the menstrual flow. Blue Cohosh helps the uterus regain its pre-pregnancy state quickly, thus reducing pain. Hops is a sleep-inducing, milk producing pain killer.
Reheat the brew and sip it throughout the day and night, or as needed, to ease pain aned encourage rest. (A little salt improves the taste.)
Susun also has a labor tincture (made with alcohol) in her book, she writes "this tincture can be used to initiate labor, strengthen contractions, unstall and stimulate labor, deal with exhaustion during labor, expel the placenta, and help control postpartum hemorrhage." Here is the recipe
Labor Tincture
1/2 ounce dried Black Cohosh root
1/2 ounce dried Blue Cohosh root
1/4 ounce dried Ginger
1/4 ounce dried Birthroot
1 cup (8 fluid ounces) 100 proof vodka
Place dried herbs in a pint jar and add vodka. Label and cap. Let it all steep together for six weeks or longer. Decant the tincture by running the mixture through a juice extractor or salad spinner. If neither of these are available pour the tincture and herbs into a cotton cloth and wring by hand. Store decanted tincture in a cool, dark place in brown glass. Be sure to label it.
The Blue Cohosh encourages the uterus to begin contracting and increases the force of contractions. The Black Cohosh helps the uterus to contract in a coordinated and effective way. The Ginger focuses energy in the pelvic area, and increases the energy available to the uterus. Birthroot (Trillium) adds its "prompt and persistent" influence on the uterus, speeding the action of the Cohoshes and joining with the Ginger to energize the uterus.
The tincture can be used to initiate labor, strengthen contractions, unstall and stimulate labor, deal with exhaustion during labor, expel the placenta, and help control postpartum hemorrhage.
The usual dose is 10 drops under the tongue.
Except from Susun Weed's "Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year".
Birth Blessings,
Wise Woman Team