Q: Hello,
I can't get a straight answer from anyone on whether it is safe to take
turkey rhubarb
slippery elm
sheep sorrel
aka "Essiac tea" while breastfeeding. I am currently undergoing all kinds of tests to see if I have ovarian cancer, or a benign growth, and would like to begin these herbs. Any advice or insights here would be so mostly appreciated!
Thank you, and be well!
A: I deeply apologize for such a late reply. I have a handful of emails in my inbox I have been wanting to get to since injuring my hand and taking a typing break. I am back now and look forward to speaking with you more as you wish.
Unfortunately I can not answer the question for you. It is harmful as many things that combat cancer can be. I imagine any who are nursing and dealing with cancer, or any strong health challenge, have a tough decision to make. Besides, from my learning of herbs with Susun, I personally do not even recommend Essiac. I instead favor her version, Wessiac, which may have been the original formula. I highly value Burdock root and consider it nourishing for both mother and child. I think slippery elm is great too, though imagine it was added to counter the effects of the turkey rhubarb. I like to eat sheep sorrel, though do not know its use in this way.
Karen Joy
[email protected]
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