Q: Dear Susun, reading through your articles with less that 24 hours to go for a total abdominal hysterectomy, I just wanted to ask you a few questions as it relates to my case.
My gynaecologist observed that I had Fibroid in August and treated the heavy bleeding. The two alternatives she gave me was to either live with it or go for surgery. I called in last week for the surgery and it has been scheduled for tomorrow. I will just like to know the success rate of using acupuncture treatments to shrink fibroid.
What are the side effects and how long does the treatment takes? What are the advantages, risks and benefits? Is this a permanent treatment? Does it accelerate menopausal symptoms?
I look forward to your response that will further guide my judgement on this issue.
A: I see that now you have already gone through with your hysterectomy, is this true? Then perhaps the answer would be moot.
If this is not true or you have other questions I can help with please do let me know. Susun does not have internet to be able to correspond through email.
Karen Joy
[email protected]
Q: Dear Karen, I am just getting stable after the surgery and able to check my emails. I will like to first thank you for this beautiful response and to let you know that even though I did not get your email before the surgery, what I read on your site guided my decision.
Based on what I read the previous day "that if you have to do the abdominal hysterectomy, try to keep your ovaries", I told my doctor before going into the surgery room that I would not want my ovaries removed except if they have problems. I insisted that I do not want to be placed on a hormone therapy after my surgery and will also not want to be forced to untimely menopause. That was my saving grace.
When I came round, my first question to the resident doctor and nurses around me was to find out if my ovaries were removed. I was told that the left ovary had to be removed since it was glued to the uterus and they could only save the right ovary. My surgeon later told me that due to excessive bleeding, she could not save the left ovary. Anyway, that was still acceptable to me than to have had both ovaries removed.
Be sure to see me on the email discussion once I get better. Do have a great holiday.
A: All my best to you for a wonderful vital recovery. A powerful woman you are to have researched and spoken up!! I will share your story with Susun- imagine she will enjoy it. Happy holidays to you and your loved ones as well.
love and blessings,
Karen Joy
Hello Amanda, yes it is often believed that fibroids can be exacerbated by unchecked estrogen, that is unchecked by progesterone. Vitex berry tincture is one herb that is often recommended to slow the growth of fibroids.
Know that many of us have them and live fine with them. Women rarely need to lose their uterus because of them and they go away after menopause the majority of the time.
You can read more ideas on how to remedy fibroids from Susun Weed here: http://www.menopause-metamorphosis.com/An_Article-fibroids.htm
love and blessings,
Karen Joy
Posted by: KarenJoy | March 05, 2009 at 02:30 PM
Dear Karen,
I am at high risk for uterine fibroids and was wondering if there are any herbal remedies to slow their growth. My mother had an early hysterectomy at age 31 because of endometreosis and uterine fibroids. Both my grandmothers also had uterine fibroids. I am now concerned because I am having unusual uterine pain between my periods and last month had a miscarriage. I have not had any children yet, but hope to soon.
I understand that uterine fibroids are aggravated by high estrogen levels. I have started exercising regularly to lower my estrogen levels and strengthen my body and heart for pregnancy. Is there anything else I can do? By the way, I also read that Ginseng has an estrogenic effect.
Posted by: Amanda Hodge | February 10, 2009 at 03:50 PM