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July 11, 2008



Hello Amanda, yes it is often believed that fibroids can be exacerbated by unchecked estrogen, that is unchecked by progesterone. Vitex berry tincture is one herb that is often recommended to slow the growth of fibroids.

Know that many of us have them and live fine with them. Women rarely need to lose their uterus because of them and they go away after menopause the majority of the time.

You can read more ideas on how to remedy fibroids from Susun Weed here: http://www.menopause-metamorphosis.com/An_Article-fibroids.htm

love and blessings,
Karen Joy

Amanda Hodge

Dear Karen,
I am at high risk for uterine fibroids and was wondering if there are any herbal remedies to slow their growth. My mother had an early hysterectomy at age 31 because of endometreosis and uterine fibroids. Both my grandmothers also had uterine fibroids. I am now concerned because I am having unusual uterine pain between my periods and last month had a miscarriage. I have not had any children yet, but hope to soon.

I understand that uterine fibroids are aggravated by high estrogen levels. I have started exercising regularly to lower my estrogen levels and strengthen my body and heart for pregnancy. Is there anything else I can do? By the way, I also read that Ginseng has an estrogenic effect.

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