Q: hi i have been reading your articles they are wonderful
..can you recoment what to use i am 2 weeks over due with my first baby
can you suggest any natural remedys to start labour ..i will be most gratefull
for any helpfull advice you can give me thank you
A: Hello, thank you for writing. I see you wrote
this a few days ago. How are things now? I am happy to help any way
I am able.
Please know that due dates are approximate and we are all
unique. Many first time babies come "overdue." Perhaps you have
had your child already, if so, congratulations!!
Are you working with
anyone in person who can help you determine the state of your and your child's
health? If all is well with you both, I would not push it. I know
that doctors will induce labor with pitocin if they determine it should have
started. Know that as long as you and babe are healthy you WILL birth the babe
and likely need no intervention. Some intervention has been known to
cause its own problems.
There are herbs that midwives use, though
primarily to help a stalled labor progress. Is this the case with
you? Do you have or have access to Susun Weed's Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year?
This speaks on the herbs to use in this case. The more gentle remedies to
help a birth progress smoothly is of course relaxation, Red Raspberry leaf
teas, or better yet infusions, gentle foods and being sure of hydration,
nipple stimulation and intercourse. The latter only if you have not lost
your mucous plug and broke waters, and if not, being sure not to pull out since
it is the sperm I understand to help ripen the cervix and stimulate
Please do write back if you can and if I can help
further. And if not I would love to hear one day how all turned out.
I will keep an eye on your email to be able to respond sooner.
Karen Joy
[email protected]