Q: Hope you are having a wonderful day. I have a question for you. I have been pregnant for about a week. I have read your book, Herbal for the Childbearing Year several times and was wondering about Watercress. I have been taking this Iron Tonic tincture mixture .... The tincture has Nettle leaf, Yellow dock root, Watercress leaf, Spirulina, Burdock root, Dandylion root, Kelp and Lambsquarter's leaf. My body has been loving this tonic as I have been a little deficient in iron. I have had four miscarriages in the past for various reasons and wondered if this tonic was safe to continue taking during pregnancy. I have been taking it twice to three times a day (It says 2-4x day) this past week. It has Watercress in it and in your book you state to be aware of Watercress during the first trimester. Could you let me know what you think? I know that with alot of mixtures, the herbs and their qualities balance eachother out. Obviously, I do not want to take anything that will increase my risk. Any information would be helpful. Thank you so very much and thank you for all of your wisdom!
A: Hello, I am not sure if the small amount of parts of watercress (as can be extracted in a tincture) can do the harm she warns of. Susun does not have internet to be able to correspond through email and answer you direct.
Did you have the miscarriages before taking this tincture? Do you know reasons for the miscarriages? I would first focus on caring for whatever needs you have for carrying the conception to term. Then if you do feel concern, perhaps you can ask for a tincture without the watercress. I hear the iron is very valuable to you! Perhaps there is a simpler form she or someone else offers, or you can make, that gives you what you need while eliminating the herb of concern, at least through the first trimester. Watercress is actually mentioned elsewhere in the book for a pregnant woman's iron needs.
I would also love to invite you to our Wise Woman Forum and Email Discussion Group for more ideas and support. If the source is who I think it is, she participates in the forum regularly. Even if not, if you feel such great benefit from this herbalist's preparation, I encourage you to also inquire her opinion on the matter :)
Karen Joy
[email protected]
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